Tagtrendy FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

For Customize Products : You may request to modify orders within 4 hrs after date and time of order placed. All requests will be accepted within 4 hrs only.
For Normal Products : You can request to modify orders within 12 hrs. Once it get shipped no modification can be done.

The colour of the actual product may vary because of the different colour spaces used in images on the website and actual products.

Sublimation printing does also cause colour variations. We have already mentioned this on the product page.

For further assistance, please email us at support@tagtrendy.com

You can connect us on customer support before order get dispatched. It Usually takes 12 hrs to order get dispatched.

Tagtrendy offers shipping All over India In 5-7 business days.

Sorry 24 hrs delivery is not supported with Tagtrendy.

You can contact us with your registered email address which is used while placing an order.

You will receive your refund with in 3-5 working days

Yes you can return your order from eligible products category. Customize products does not have return policy. In case of hardcases mobile cases returns are accepted on basis on fitting issue, wrong items delivered.

You can either mail us or call us with your Order ID. Depend on approval of your order from our Team order can be return or replaced.

Still have a question?

Please contact us for more information.

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